Open pollinated
Variety | Maturity | Plant habit/color | Head characteristics | Remarks |
Michihli | 70-75 | Upright habit, dark green | Cylindrical, firm and crisp interior, 40-50 x 10 cm, 2.5-3.2 Kg | Used mainly for salad. Tender and mild in flavor. |
Wong Bok | 80-85 | Upright, medium green | Cylindrical, extremely crisp and tender, 2.5 x15 cm, 2-2.5 Kg | Shorter and thicker than Michihili. Recommended to warm areas. |
Pak-Choi | 70-80 | Short, non-heading type | White leaf stalk, smooth near round dark green leaves. | A tender and delicious variety either cooked or fried. Grown all year round, under glass and outdoors. |