Allium spp.


BSX 060

• Short day onion
• Classic yellow globe
• Nice skin
• Tolerant to Pink Root Rot
• Very well adapted to short day production districts with mild winter conditions


Excellent mild variety
Medium size, flat globe shaped with a good yellow color
Heavy yields
Average Maturity: 163 days
Tolerant to Pink Root


Early to mid-early short day hybrid onion white grano onion
Very good scales and smooth finish
Highly single center
Good size
Firm and pungent
Tolerant to Pink Root

Open pollinated

Variety Maturity Shape Size Color Storage Day length Remarks
Nebuka Evergreen Bunching Evergreen bunching White A bunching, non bulbing type with long white stalks of delicate flavor. Resistant to PR, smut, thrips and botrytis leaf blight.
Red Amposta 200 Globe Large Red Medium to long Intermediate A late variety with good keeping quality after harvest. Well adapted to Northern Mediterranean areas.
Red Bermuda 190 Flattened globe Medium Red Short Short day A PR tolerant variety. Bright red color well into the interior. High yield potential.
Red Burgundy 185 Flattened globe Medium large Dark red Short Short day A standard variety. Very mild and soft.
Red Creole 190 Thick, flat Medium Red Long Short day Very pungent. Performs best in tropical areas where pungency and storage are very important.
Southport White Globe High SLD 110 Globe Medium White Long Long day, intermediate Probably the best keeper among white onions. Pungent, firm bulbs-also used as a green bunching onion, and for dehydration.
Sweet Spanish Utah Jumbo White 130 Full globe Very large White Short Long day A fair keeper, soft and mild variety. Heavy yields.
Texas Early Grano 502 PRR 170 Top shape Large Light yellow Short Short day PR resistant. The most widely grown onions in the world. Soft and mild.
Tokyo Long White Bunching Evergreen bunching White A bunching, non-bulbing variety. Slightly pungent white stalks. Resistant to PR, smut and thrips.
White Lisbon Evergreen bunching White An early bunching variety, foliage is not easily damaged by hi/low temp. Mild flavor, long clear white stalks.
Yellow Sweet Spanish 130 Globe Large Dark yellow Medium Long day A heavy yielder, desirable for ringing. Stores well. Will not withstand rough mechanical harvesting.
Paitena 185 Flat/globe Medium Red Short Short day A strong performer with high yield potential. High pink root tolerance.